Monday, February 25, 2008

Vase's tough times

Well well... I'm going thru tough times now... Since the start of the year, i've been taking part actively in all informal times of fellowship while studying smart in college. As a result of studying smart, did not do my tutorials as i learn the concept and tecnique of doing it instead. With new measures being taken in college this year, I'm expected to hand in all tutorials or face disciplinary action. Rushing thru everything man... Rushing thru...


Anonymous said...

Son, at the end of the day, you must learn to strike a good balance between studies and ministry (inclusive of fellowship, outreaching, activites...etc)

There are seasons in life where you will have to be more focused on studies i.e. exams approaching. and it is really OK to say NO to certain activities (of course except cell and church is compulsary)

Trust me, you won't be left out just because of not attending a few fellowships. Am sure everyone understands. :)

In terms of studying technique, studying smart also doesn't mean everything is visuaization concept in space. From ahpa's experience, concepts that are not praticed out on pen and paper are still useless. When exams come, will stil blank out because dunno how to apply. :)

Give some through to what I shared. Learn to balance and not swing to extremes. :)