Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm Amazed!!!

It's a rainy Saturday evening and I find myself walking around the crowded Tampines mall Century Square complex looking for a Chinese Chess set for my Gkidz boys to play. I'm kind of surprise that there is not a shop in the entire complex that actually sells chinese chess but I found something much better!

The latest Planetshakers CD!

I was quite discourage last week when i hit Mount Zion last week to look for planetshakers old album 'Reflector' as it's out of stock. But miraculously, the track is actually included inside this album. The odds of that happening.

Jesus Loves Me!!!

Jasper Bro!


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Margined Lifestyle

Yesterday night I was listening to an audio sermon by Pastor Benny Ho entitled "Finding Balance in a Busy World". Ps Benny mentioned in one segment that being in such a steessful world we live in, we need to learn to draw MARGINS in our lifestyle to prevent ourselves from burning out / to find balance. And Ps Benny mentions we need margins in:
  1. Emotionally – Get in touch with our own inner world
  2. Physically – Recuperate from tiredness
  3. Financially
  4. Spiritually – Time to connect with God
As I reflected, I felt that I needed to draw margins under Category (1) Emotionally, (2) Physically and (4) Spiritually.

So today, I took leave from work for my monthly solitude time. And this was how I drew my MARGINS:
  1. Physically - Had a good sleep and only woke up at 11:00am today!
  2. Emotionally - Spend time to catch up with my parents, went grocery shopping with my Mum, and watch a slow-moving DVD (For One More Day) to get in touch with my emotions.
  3. Spiritually - Solitude time just soaking and reading the Word of God through Psalms 120-125, witnessing and declaring the awesome attributes of God
We all need to learn to draw margins in our lives, else we would not be able to last the long haul. Margins in our lives will enable us to pause and sharpen our tools and be more effective. Margins at times require us to Say No to people and requests around - Remember, we are NOT indispensable and we are NOT God (we are not omnipresent).

Do you feel like you are burning out? Maybe it's time to re-look and draw your MARGINS.


Growing Faith in Difficult Times

"Faith develops out of the most difficult aspects of our existence, not the easiest. The person of faith is not a person who has been born, luckily, with a good digestion and sunny disposition..... It is Christ, not culture, that defines our lives. It is the help we experience, not the hazards we risk, that shapes our days." - Eugene H. Peterson, A Long Obedience in the Same Direction

Pause and do a stock take on our spiritual walk. When was the last time we really cried out to the Lord in desperation? When was the last time we felt a really sudden surge in our faith? When was the turning point in our Christian walk where our faith suddenly went one notch higher?

Honestly, it is typically during the rough patches in life that we will cry out to God for help. We can easily get by each smooth sailing or 'nothing much' days without the need for God.

A simple equation can easily look like this:

Difficult times => Faith in God grows

Normal times => Faith stagnates or gradually goes downhill

The truth of the matter is that it is NOT the difficult times that make our faith grow. In fact, it is the desperate crying out during the difficult times that causes our faith to grow.

If God hadn't been for us — all together now, Israel, sing out! - If God hadn't been for us when everyone went against us, We would have been swallowed alive by their violent anger, Swept away by the flood of rage, drowned in the torrent; We would have lost our lives in the wild, raging water. Oh, blessed be God! He didn't go off and leave us. He didn't abandon us defenseless, helpless as a rabbit in a pack of snarling dogs. We've flown free from their fangs, free of their traps, free as a bird. Their grip is broken; we're free as a bird in flight. God's strong name is our help, the same God who made heaven and earth. - Psalm 124 (The Message)

There is that natural tendency within us to cry out to the Father for help during these tough moments because we know in His promise to us that "God's strong name is our help" and we CAN put our faith and trust in Him. God will NEVER fail us.

My prayer is that we all do not need to wait till tough times that we turn to call upon God, but that everyday we can call upon His name in all that we do.

We can do so, because God is a God that 'doesn't go off nor leave us'!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Inspired by Martin King Luther Jr


I Have A Dream...

That one day, in spite of individualistic tendencies and the delicate complexities of rallying individuals, the people of the united tribes of EJA will overcome the unfavourable odds, and at the annointed moment, decide to have a noon-time meal together.

In keeping with the teachings of a certain teacher to "not give up on meeting up", to fellowship, to enjoy each other's company, to learn from the brother or sister whom one sees every week and think nothing more of it, to just hang out without the distraction of an official agenda.....

I have a dream, that these people will make effort to spend at least 1/84 of their standard 168 hours/week to meet up in non-regulation time. Let us not wallow in the defeat of excuses, I say to you today my friends.

And so even though we face the difficulties in the form of "meeting friends" and "got project", I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in A 2:42.

I have a dream that one day these people will rise up and make good the saying,"devoted to the fellowship." That one day beyond the yellow doors of expo, the sons of taxi drivers, the daughters of engineers will be able to freely chill out on their own accord.

A dream that sees many individuals, one body, moving off in unison towards Expo Mrt to their destination of fellowship. A dream that one day, in the looseness of our lips, the words "you don't joke la!","mai xian" or something to that effect, will appear less and less.

And out of that void comes a fountain of encouragement and truth to hearten the people. And that will be the day, when all of God's people will let ring the words,

"Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last from hiding behind busy-ness and the poison of our tongues!



Monday, February 23, 2009

Where is God on Your Weekdays?

"The great danger of Christian discipleship is that we should have two religions: a glorious, biblical Sunday gospel that sets us to free from the world... and, then, an everyday religion that we make do with during the week between the time of leaving the world and arriving in Heaven. We save the Sunday gospel for the big crises of existence. For the mundane trivialities... We use the everyday religion of the Reader's Digest reprint, advice from a friend, an Ann Landers column, the huckstered wisdom of a talk-show celebrity. We practice patent-medicine religion." - Eugene H. Peterson, A Long Obedience in the Same Direction

A Christian faith reality check question which all of us need to constant ask ourselves (especially on weekdays) is this:

"Where has all the knowledge we have learnt from Sunday sermons and cell meeting gone to on weekdays?"

One moment we are all on spiritual highs during the weekends in cell meetings and Sunday services. The next moment (sometimes less than 24 hours later), we are wallowing in the dreadful pits of defeat in life and seemingly God is the last thing on our minds.

We rather go in search for nice hearing advices from friends, cool inspirational motivating speakers, and occasionally flipping through teenage magazines trusting those ever-changing advices! Where is God on our Weekdays?!?! Chucked aside when things starts getting busy?

Christianity is neither a religion nor a CCA... it is neither a "feel good club" nor a "one-stop-solve-all-problems" rehabilitation centre.

Christianity is a life ordained by God. We have direct access to God when we choose to walk in His path and grow in knowing Him more. In His path, we do not need to turn to the world's religion. In God, we have the Master Helper!

I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD watches over you—the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. - Psalm 121 (NIV)


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fed Up with Evil

"A person has to be thoroughly disgusted with the way things are to find the motivation to set out on the Christian way. As long as we think... another scientific breakthrough might save the environment or another pay raise might push us over the edge of anxiety into a life of tranquility, we are not likely to risk the arduous uncertainties of the life of faith. A person has to get fed up with the ways of the world before he, before she, acquires an appetite for the world of grace." - Eugene H. Peterson, A Long Obedience in the Same Direction

Fed Up -> Coming to a point beyond frustration where one recognizes the need to seek an alternative solution or way out.

Are you fed up already with the ways of the world i.e. striving, backstabbing, where work doesn't guarantee results, economic downturn, insecurities in human relationships...etc?

Or are you just frustrated and are pulling your hair in trying all sorts of human efforts to resolve all these seemingly unresolvable problems? (Somehow the problem grows worse when we do more!)

Are you Fed Up? Why not turn to Jesus!

I'm in trouble. I cry to God, desperate for an answer: "Deliver me from the liars, God! They smile so sweetly but lie through their teeth. "Do you know what's next, can you see what's coming, all you barefaced liars? Pointed arrows and burning coals will be your reward. I'm doomed to live in Meshech, cursed with a home in Kedar. My whole life lived camping among quarreling neighbors. I'm all for peace, but the minute I tell them so, they go to war! - Psalm 120 (The Message)


Friday, February 20, 2009

The army life...

Hello... its VaZe here bringing you some teachings from army....
Yes... I promised that i'll cut on army talk outside camp, but i feel that this is some basic fundamental principles that i want to bring across to everybody...

My life in army is very relaxing physically, but still challenging mentally as...
I have to live with all the:
- people who uses vulgarities like punctuation marks
- regimentation -> no moving around the camp, change into all sorts of attire, etc...
- platoon mates who are not happy over every minor issues (bread & butter issues)

You see, when u start to live with 50 other men on the same level, 50 different personalities, 50 different expectations, there bound to be disagreements and conflicts... One guy not happy with another guy for telling him to march properly, a group of people outcast 1 person as the person is not doing his duty well...

For me? I believe that army is my paradise... Not in the sense that i'm a glutton for punishment, but that its a good training ground to build some character, build some life prinicples...

When i first stepped into Tekong, i asked myself what do i want to see myself doing here... and i set only 1 boundary for myself:
- No vulgarities

Eventually, as time passes, i began to add more prinicples to my army life as i read the Word of God daily:

- No reading of FHM, Maxim or similar materials to set a good example as a Christian as well as to stop all the lust of the flesh

-No Chao Keng as God reminded us in 2 Timothy 2:3-6 that as soldiers of God, we endure all hardships and please our commanding officers

- No complaining and murmur about my duties, be it guard duty or confinement, as in 2 Cor 11:23-29, Paul says that he face pressure everyday, yet he boast of his sufferings, not complain about his sufferings...

- Humility -> I learn to take humble pie in all circumstances, lower my expectations on people when they work with me... Not to boast of my achievments, give a listening ear to the people around me, help resolve misunderstandings, go an extra mile to help my section mates, watch my tone when I speak so as not to provoke people, encourage my platoon mates to get things done...

- Excellence - As toilet I/C, i always report to the tolilet the earliest, and leave the toilet the last during cleaning... I have to do most of the dirtiest things, remove chokes in toliet bowls, scrunbbing the corners of the toliet walls... I have to even do my duty even when i'm not feeling well so that all the other cleaners are motivated to do as well...

- Discipline -> I learn how to discipline myself to do quiet time, read Godly books when other people are sleeping on their beds to have an early rest

After applying so many prinicples in my army life... People began to look to me one way or another... Platoon mates who has no one to confide in about their family or girlfriend problems come to me to talk... People invited me to do bible study with them, invited for prayer meeting, people are glad to work with me, even for guard duty...

On my part, I managed to share the gospel with my section mates, encourage one of my section mate with bible verses as he cannot seem to shoot accurately and is depressed... I encourage some of my platoon mates to stay positive during confinement, resolve some tensions between my platoon mates... I loan my bible, Christian books to people to read...

In short... what i want to say is that the Word of God should turn into active living prinicples that u anchor on everyday of your life... Then as you apply these prinicples, u see urself growing more, u see urself able to manage all the challenges with great ease...

Ending verse: 1 Cor 15:58 - Therefore stand firm my brothers, let nothing move you, for your labour in the Lord is never in vain


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Words are Powerful

"Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit—you choose." - Proverbs 18:21 (The Message)

How true the scripture sums it up. Every single word that we utter during the day has power to either give or destroy life. And the Bible puts it really well that in all the words that we speak, we have a CHOICE to decide what comes out from our lips.

Pause. Let this simple scripture speak to our hearts. When was the last time we actually pause and think before letting those words come out from our mouths?

How often is it that we regret what we have spoken in a haste of anger or unhappiness?

Yes, it is true we can quickly attribute it to "a lousy day we had", or "He/she started it first" or the ultimate classic excuse "I am just like that, I can't help it"

Do these reasons sound familiar? Honestly, I am also guilty of it at times. But the point I am making here is that we should not just sweep everything away from our own responsibility and blame it on our genes, our day, the other party..etc. We should stop playing the blame game. The Word of God clearly tells us that the CHOICE is up to us. He gave us the will to choose as well as control our emotions.

So before we get swamped with our hectic schedule ahead, pause and decide now that we will CHOOSE to speak words of life rather than poison to the next person whom we talk to.

Answering before listening is both stupid and rude. A healthy spirit conquers adversity, but what can you do when the spirit is crushed? - Proverbs 18:13-14

With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. - James 3:9-10

Think Relationally? Let's learn to Speak Relationally as well. =D


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentine's Day Party 2009 - "Where Is The Love?"

It’s been around since the dawn of humanity and beyond. It beautifies, empowers, motivates, cultivates, brings tears, warm hearts; and in recent times, burn wallets. Discriminating no one, love is in the air this Valentine’s Day, when the celebrating of love between friends, family and that special someone brings much joy to flower vendors and marketers of novelty flicks.

Valentine's Day Party “Where is the Love” anchored by youths from YCYPAO aimed to spread love in a different way, by sharing the love of Christ and His people on earth. From the moment the party started, with the welcoming of guests at the reception with balloon sculptures, and roses for the fairer gender, to the introduction of Valentine’s Day and its main highlight (roses, roses and more roses!) the mood never died down. Most of the guests even came decked out in pink and red! Upon stepping from the colorful registration room to the main, cosy and cooling room, guests were greeted by a vibrant array of balloons on the walls, and large bold “HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY” words on boards. Interesting, hardly seen before Vday quotes were flashed on a big screen, giving a definite Valentine’s Day feel. Sitting down in their groups on colorful and comfortable mats, it felt soothing enough to just sit there and not move.

Icebreakers followed. While getting to know strangers on a more personal level was difficult in a short time frame allowed for the icebreaking, the organizers of the party had in mind a creative activity to ensure groups get pass that awkward “Hi, you are?” moment.

Each group was given 50 minutes to prepare a skit based on Disney stories like “Cinderalla“, “Beauty and the Beast“, “Snow White” and “The Frog Prince”, with an added twist, in the form of contemporary love songs having to be somehow incorporated into the skit. Admittedly the atmosphere was not that hyped up initially as people began to feel their way into gelling together as a group and coming up with interesting ideas. Yet as ideas snowballed and people rehearsed, even the apprehensive ones began to loosen up and go wild. 45 minutes into the preparation, chaos reigned. People were all over the room acting funny, laughing at their friends and themselves, trying very hard to get their skit ready in time.

Come show time, most of the groups were ready to present their skit in front of the 70-strong crowd present at the party. Modernized versions of “Sleeping Beauty”, along with controversial “Frog Prince” and other hilarious skits kept the audience in peals of laughter. If there was any awkwardness among the groups, there certainly was not now.

Halfway into the amusement of watching friends bringing to life Disney stories, Ee Jay went up to share his love story. In a short yet catching account of falling in love over fries amongst other things, he told of how God moulded his love life to the success story it is now.

Olivia, had this to say, “I thought it was too little time to plan a skit in a group that doesn’t know each other…but yup I thought the sharing was good."

The key to a successful love story in a pocket-friendly manner? G-O-D!

Despite time constrains, new friends still had this to say on the event, “It’s a great way to spend Valentine’s Day”, said Mingli. Besides, what other enjoyable way to be spending V-day as a single? For others, it was a creative way of spending the day. Said Daryl, “It’s fun, unique and meaningful.” Cliché yet heartfelt words from someone spending one of his last few V-days as a single and unavailable man. Reflecting these sentiments, Cheryl felt “ The event was not bad and enjoyable.” To see friends bring friends and allowing a place for friendships to grow and new ones to be made was definitely heart-warming. Its said that a picture speaks a thousand words, and the Event Photo taken at the end of the party spoke volumes on the many untold stories of people and relationships.

Other than the participants, the committee of 3 that was set up to conceptualize, plan and execute the whole party had much to say. Having other commitments in National Service, Team Coordinator Jasper commented that, he “felt very relief because of many last minute changes but still managing to pull if off.” At times, he felt “a little frustrated because of restriction in camp and not being able to do a lot of things.”

Thankfully, the team had a huge backing in the form of the spiritual family. “Its great to see the family rallying for this event, helping and inviting new friends to join us, and the dynamic was good!” said Sai Kang Warrior, Miss-all-over-the-place Joadine.

The High Commissioner of Committee Where Is The Love, Ee Jay released a statement affirming the success of the event: “It’s a joy to see the youths coordinate and run this event for the youths, Well planned and organized. Even as an adult, I enjoyed the program a lot!”

Personally, I had visualized the setting to be even more cosy with more than balloons to create the V-day mood. However, with the energy generated by the groups, the lack of more decorations was more than made up for. Looking at how long the party lasted, I’m amazed at how groups of relatively strangers were able to come up with decent skits. If this were a movie, I will give it 4 popcorns! If not for the effort, then at least for the jovial people there and the amusement of it all.

Written by Jaren, just ORD-ed!


Heart Check 101

Hi guys, as we hear Ps Khong share about "The Blood for the Heart", let's learn to guard our hearts and prevent ourselves from developing a hardened heart. Here are some symptoms of a hardened heart which I have observed in my journey as a leader over the years. Let's be watchful and vigilant because "our enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8 NIV)

Symptoms of a Hardened Heart
  1. Critical Attitude - Skeptical and always critical instead of having a humble attitude in dialoging or seeking.
  2. Blaming God - Ungrateful for blessings from God, but constantly finding faults in life and blaming God for being unfair.
  3. Faithless - Disappointments and failures in journey of life caused one to developed that faithless despondent spirit.
  4. Pride - Thinking you-know-it all. Something to be watchful of especially for older Christians.
  5. Closed-Open Decision - Already made up decisions in heart and refuse to give in. Only come before leaders to make it seem religious or politically correct, but actually no intentions to be open for other options.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Gear Up for G12 Conference 2009!!

This was the reflection which I wrote after the G12 Conference in 2007. Even as I read it today, and excitement and anticipation builds in my heart, eagerly awaiting what God will reveal to us at this year's G12 Conference 2009.

May this reflection bless your heart as well. Amidst of our busy or packed schedules of life, let's be praying for this conference, the speakers, the delegates and more importantly, for our hearts to be open to what God will speak to us. =D

Reflection on International G12 Conference 2007

“The Vision puts us to the test.” This statement by Pastor Cesar on the first night of the conference jolted my mind. With this being the sixth G12 conference that I have attended since FCBC embraced the G12 Vision, I could identify with this statement that Pastor Cesar put across. Since the start of year 2007, it has been disappointing and heartbreaking seeing many lives around me walking away from the Lord for various reasons. Youths whom I thought had displayed great potential to be leaders, fellow siblings in Christ whom had encouraged me along in this journey and even leaders whom I look up to. Within a span of 3 months, I began hearing news of them choosing to walk out on God, the church and the spiritual family. It was with this burden that I went to this year’s G12 conference with, and God showed me the answer through this statement which Pastor Cesar made. Indeed, the Vision truly puts us to the test, a test where I recognize that apart from relying on God, I can do nothing. God revealed to me the need to come back to the closet of prayer once again, and reigniting the urgency and desperation of persistent prayer of faith which will move the hand of God. It was time to put aside the focus on structure, techniques and strategies, but come back to deliberate and intentional quality time in engaging the Holy Spirit in prayer.

Sons and slaves. This was another matter which I heard repeatedly through the conference from both Pastor Cesar and Pastor Khong, both of whom had gone through the heartaches of losing spiritual sons within the past few months. I felt convicted that I do not want to be a slave whom is self centered and constantly taking from the spiritual father. But I want to be a true spiritual son, who submits and be a blessing to my spiritual father. Just as what Pastor Cesar shared, the Christian walk is about continuously giving to the Lord. The more we try to wrestle with our rights and what we should receive, the more we will struggle and is unable to be a genuine blessing to our spiritual fathers. Just as the parable of the true vine in John 15, only when we remain in the vine (in Him), will we receive the full blessings of God. Similarly, when there is alignment with our spiritual leaders, the blessings of God will flow.

Last but not least, one tremendous inspiration through this conference was to see Daniel and Priscilla taking to the pulpit in sharing. Both of them represent the Joshua generation (youth generation) who dares to go forth in boldness and courage. In Daniel and Priscilla, they have set the example for us youths to follow along in daring to step out in faith to proclaim the Good News to the multitudes.

I thank God for this highly-Faith-charged G12 conference as it just gets better every year. I am inspired in faith to find my twelve, setting the example for my disciples and helping them to find their twelve too. I don’t want to just talk the walk, I want to walk the talk. I will be signing up for the 100,000 challenge!


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Voting Satan back to hell!!!!

I thought what pastor said today about how guilt and sin will only speed up the process of us having a hardened heart.
Like pastor says, the heart is the core of our spiritual being . Hence having a hardened heart would only.....
1.cause us to have little or no compassion
2. zero compassion equals not being to able to glorify God
3.ultimately disrupts God's desire to glorify us just as we glorify him.
Therefore we need to kick "guilt" and "sin" out FAST!!!!
Lets all rally as a cell group to vote the devil to exile island where there is nothing but combat rations for him to eat !!!!!
Lets make him stop playing with our emotions !!!!
Lets stop playing RELIGION!!!!
We could go on and on declaring we have power over Satan ...but really lets take an active and effective step to vote him off....
I encourage you brothers tonight before you sleep , why not come to a posture of humility as you tell God
" Seriously soften my heart God... help me live out all the lyrics of praise and worship songs I sing every week...."
"Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am for Your Kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity"
I tell you confidently brothers.... Live it out, and we ll vote him off!!!!!


Cell Fund Matters

*Important update by EeJay. Do take note that in violation of the Cyber Wellness value of Astuteness, this post has been taken down. In future, do take note not to post up sensitive details as blog posting.

For details on cell fund matter, please contact JJ directly. Any other enquiries, look for EJ. Thanks. =D


Friday, February 13, 2009

Think Relationally

On Wednesday morning on my way to work, I was praying to God and surrendering the huge amount of expected workload that is to come in the next few days ahead and how much I needed help...
  • Preparing for the presentation to our Executive Director (Ps E)
  • Revamping some programme materials for Friday and Saturday's parenting talks
  • Preparing for Saturday's Valentine's Day event
Suddenly, God just jolted my mind with this question, "How are you thinking relationally in your workplace?"

I know it when God jolts me and this was it... I better wake up my idea and start thinking rather than lamenting about my work.

How true it is! Many time (especially when I am busy), I seriously do not think relationally. I am so focused and caught up in the work I do that I become functionally relational - meaning I relate to people only when they are of help to me e.g. only talk more to my colleague because he/she is able to help me do up a report.

To truly think relationally is that in the process of busyness and hectic schedule, our outward expression is to bless the person. The constant thing on our minds would be, "How can I be a blessing to this person beyond just the task that needs to be done?"

The scripture in Acts tells us this:

That day about three thousand took him at his word, were baptized and were signed up. They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers. Everyone around was in awe—all those wonders and signs done through the apostles! And all the believers lived in a wonderful harmony, holding everything in common. They sold whatever they owned and pooled their resources so that each person's need was met. They followed a daily discipline of worship in the Temple followed by meals at home, every meal a celebration, exuberant and joyful, as they praised God. People in general liked what they saw. Every day their number grew as God added those who were saved. - Acts 2:41-47 (The Message)

Let's learn to think relationally in our workplace/classrooms today. Beyond getting a task done or task driven... let's think of how we can bless the people around.

Start today by:
  1. Think of one thing to thank God for in your colleague/classmate - not a task, but who the person is. E.g. I thank God for Alvin because he always encourages me and supports me through prayer. He is someone I can count on when I am down.
  2. Think of one way you can bless your colleague/classmate today - through a task, but speak life. E.g. Encouraging a colleague whom feels lousy after training
We can all make a difference today when we learn to Think Relationally!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What I Did on my Day Off...

Monday was my day off and this was how I spent it...

It was a wonderful 2-hours of spending solitude time @ Parkway Swensens with God (and of course yummy ice cream around!) without any other agenda except just enjoying His Presence.

I wasn't doing any planning. I wasn't presenting to God my prayer requests either. Neither was I telling God how sad or happy my day went.

I just sat down and enjoyed God's presence by:
  1. Penning down the blessings that I have experienced the past week and thanking God.
  2. Reading the Bible and just being amazed at how awesome God is through the scriptures.
Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. - Psalm 84:10

Have you been spending time with the Lord? Or have you been caught up with the busyness of life (studies, work, BGR...etc) that you may have unknowingly neglected God?

God misses you a lot. Why not dedicates some time out today and just spend it with Him... No requests nor agendas... Just enjoying His Presence. =D



Monday, February 9, 2009

You can be used by God(2)

About 6 months ago, i happened to help a blind at my house busstop who i later found out he's my neighbour staying one level above mine.

Remembering that day i was actually rushing to school. For i might be late, with an anxious heart, i prayed hard that my bus to woodlands would come fast. During then, i noticed a blind who appeared some distance behind me.. i just sensed God asking me to help him.. i was reminded to be a blessing ALWAYS! however, i tried to shake off this idea by telling myself i got a school to attend and didn't want to be late, plus assuming someone else would help him..

Eventually, i began to worry about the blind bcoz no one seemed to care about him.. during then i noticed God had convicted my heart to be blessing to this man.. i walked over and asked him where was he heading and what bus he intending to take.. that point of time, i already decided to accompany him to his destination for he's going yishun, still on the way for me but i would miss my 1st class. Thru the bus ride, we talked and later found out we stayed in the same block. Deep in my heart, i was praying for him for God's grace to be more over him.

I felt proud that day even i was "suan" for being late for school as i was a Christian, because i knew God had used me to help His people. i knew i did the right thing.

So during that time, we actually exchanged hp numbers and i did sms him occasionally. 6 months later, just yest i met up with the blind. He knew i was a christian and wanted to ask me questions.

Hallelujah! Cut the long story short. God not only used me but also His other people to help him.. My neighbour said another guy who was from FCBC invited Him to church. When i heard that, i told him i was from that Church too!! my neighbour was delighted and agreed to follow that friend to Church! I strongly believe God heard my prayer 6 months ago and showed the greatest grace to him by revealing Himself to my neighbour!! Oh YES!! my neighbour is coming to CHURCH!! i am so excited la!!

Brothers, don't look down on the little things that God can use you to bless others! you never know your little act can bring much encouragement to others! Having this year to be a year of loving our neighbour as ourselves, what have we been doing this far into the year?

Let's not focus onto how much harvest we can reap but how much seeds we can sow for the glory of God!! Let's wear the crown of glory with a character that reflects Christ-likeness in us!! =)



Where is your CROWN?

Even as Ps Khong shared about the what it means to put on the crown (let's have a quick recap):
  1. Destined to Reflect God (Character)

  2. Destined to Reign with God (Control)

  3. Destined to Revel in His Glory (Celebration)

I am sure we are really excited to claim these blessing which God wants to bless us with.

BUT... let's take a step back and ask ourselves this question today.. "Where is our CROWN in the first place?" To put on the crown, we first need to locate our crown! Because in the everyday living, many of us may have misplace, lost or thrown away our crown!

Have we:

  1. Misplaced our Crown? - Haven't been having quality Quiet Time with the Lord, no passion in prayer or feeling dry always in our spiritual walk.

  2. Lost our Crown? - Always falling into the vicious cycle of sin.

  3. Thrown away our Crown? - Giving up hope and living a defeated life. Lost the fighting spirit to believe God for breakthroughs in our lives.

May I encourage you with the Word of God today:

Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. - James 1:12

Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life. - Revelations 2:10

Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. - 1 Corinthians 9:25-26

So where is your CROWN today?

Jesus replied, "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you." - Luke 17:21

God has already given us the crown of life, which is the Kingdom of God that lives within us. We just need to make a deliberate choice everyday when we wake up to wear it.

Would you repeat this prayer together with me today wherever you are:

"Dear God! Today I declare and believe with all my heart that the Kingdom of God lives within me! I choice to put away all the previous crowns of bitterness, anger, fear, defeatedness...etc. And today I choose intentionally to put on the crown of righteousness because I am a Child of God. A victor and an overcomer in Christ! Amen!"



Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ah pa we all should go bowling soon =D who knows ??!! we might even have a trinity father spirit son session while bowling =D


Friday, February 6, 2009

Congrats to Leonard on his new posting and JJ on upcoming book out...... and my even sooner ORD!!!

I don't really have anything significant to post but this just to stay connected with you guys in a cyber-manner.......

Its the 6th of Feb,37 days after 2008. I wonder how many of us are still taking active steps to keep our new year resolutions/faith goals. I know I dont have an A in that department,but yeah I'm still trying,so help me brothers,and each other too amidst our busy days.

God bless y'all!



Combined Cell Valentine's Day Event - Where is the LOVE?

Let's invite our friends to come experience and find the TRUE LOVE of their lives! =D


Monday, February 2, 2009

Hey Hey!!

Hey guys.. getting quiet here aye.. always the same ol' people blogging.. Do find time k?

Saw my schedule for the week, kind of crazy with a lot of SOC and Medical Covers to do.. So do pray for me ya!

Psalm 116:1-9
I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy.
Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.
The cords of death entangled me, the anguish of the grave came upon me;
I was overcome by trouble and sorrow.
Then I called on the name of the Lord: "O LORD, save me!"
The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.
'The Lord protects the simplehearted; when I was in great need, he saved me.
Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.
For you, O Lord, have delievered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling, that i may walk before the Lord in the land of the living.'

I believe that life will be more exciting if we would just learn how to appreciate the little things that the Lord has done in our everyday life, just to catch our attention.

Over the past few weeks, I'm beginning to learn that God is always trying to reach out to us, to show us His love! God do show His love to us through Big and bombastic ways, like miracles, signs and wonders, but He often does it in small and simple ways that are often overlooked.

One thing in camp that I always enjoy doing is to watch the sunset. The view is really nice here in Gedong. But it also shows the great amount of effort that the Lord has made to craft out this beautiful piece of art for His people to enjoy.

Let's be simple hearted and choose to SEE the blessings of the Lord in our lives! Then we can truly say that The Lord has been good to ME!!

Jasper Bro!!


Do You Drag Your Feet to Work / School?

Last year at work, I remembered I went through a period what I would call "The Trainer's Nightmare". I had started the year passionate about engaging, connecting and reaching out to young people through the work I do. As the workload piled up and things started bottlenecking, I began losing joy in the work that I do.

All i could remember about training then were (1) Scolding students; (2) Handling spoilt brats; (3) Can't wait for lesson to end.

Honestly, I really saw the students just like landscape scenery (like what Ps Melvyn shared yesterday)... sometimes even worst than that! There wasn't any joy in doing what I used to so passionately believed in. Work was like toil and the students were just like thorns in my flesh!

And then the Lord just spoke to me during one of my Quiet Time on this scripture:

Servants, do what you're told by your earthly masters. And don't just do the minimum that will get you by. Do your best. Work from the heart for your real Master, for God, confident that you'll get paid in full when you come into your inheritance. Keep in mind always that the ultimate Master you're serving is Christ. The sullen servant who does shoddy work will be held responsible. Being a follower of Jesus doesn't cover up bad work. - Colossians 3:22-25 (The Message)

That totally changed the way I thought about work and I began to open my eyes to see the need for Jesus in everyone of the students I taught onwards. When I renewed my mind with the Word of God, my attitude started to change and I began smiling more and was definitely more cheerful in my trainings with more convictions. i was back with Passion!

How about you today?

  • Are you toiling in the work / studies that you do?

  • Do you spend more time comparing, complaining and sulking at what things should have been?

  • Do you find no joy in the work / studies that you do daily?

  • Open your heart and mind to be renewed by the Word of God daily. Once you know that everything you do is not for yourself first, but the Lord... then you will give your best and all with a joyful heart. =D