Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fed Up with Evil

"A person has to be thoroughly disgusted with the way things are to find the motivation to set out on the Christian way. As long as we think... another scientific breakthrough might save the environment or another pay raise might push us over the edge of anxiety into a life of tranquility, we are not likely to risk the arduous uncertainties of the life of faith. A person has to get fed up with the ways of the world before he, before she, acquires an appetite for the world of grace." - Eugene H. Peterson, A Long Obedience in the Same Direction

Fed Up -> Coming to a point beyond frustration where one recognizes the need to seek an alternative solution or way out.

Are you fed up already with the ways of the world i.e. striving, backstabbing, where work doesn't guarantee results, economic downturn, insecurities in human relationships...etc?

Or are you just frustrated and are pulling your hair in trying all sorts of human efforts to resolve all these seemingly unresolvable problems? (Somehow the problem grows worse when we do more!)

Are you Fed Up? Why not turn to Jesus!

I'm in trouble. I cry to God, desperate for an answer: "Deliver me from the liars, God! They smile so sweetly but lie through their teeth. "Do you know what's next, can you see what's coming, all you barefaced liars? Pointed arrows and burning coals will be your reward. I'm doomed to live in Meshech, cursed with a home in Kedar. My whole life lived camping among quarreling neighbors. I'm all for peace, but the minute I tell them so, they go to war! - Psalm 120 (The Message)


Chong said...

Thanks bro for the reminder!!

Still rember you did told me this before as i fight against the area of lust..

YES!! may all of us be tired of this worldly things and be EXCITED for GOD in our daily lives!! Jiayou!! =)