Thursday, February 26, 2009

Margined Lifestyle

Yesterday night I was listening to an audio sermon by Pastor Benny Ho entitled "Finding Balance in a Busy World". Ps Benny mentioned in one segment that being in such a steessful world we live in, we need to learn to draw MARGINS in our lifestyle to prevent ourselves from burning out / to find balance. And Ps Benny mentions we need margins in:
  1. Emotionally – Get in touch with our own inner world
  2. Physically – Recuperate from tiredness
  3. Financially
  4. Spiritually – Time to connect with God
As I reflected, I felt that I needed to draw margins under Category (1) Emotionally, (2) Physically and (4) Spiritually.

So today, I took leave from work for my monthly solitude time. And this was how I drew my MARGINS:
  1. Physically - Had a good sleep and only woke up at 11:00am today!
  2. Emotionally - Spend time to catch up with my parents, went grocery shopping with my Mum, and watch a slow-moving DVD (For One More Day) to get in touch with my emotions.
  3. Spiritually - Solitude time just soaking and reading the Word of God through Psalms 120-125, witnessing and declaring the awesome attributes of God
We all need to learn to draw margins in our lives, else we would not be able to last the long haul. Margins in our lives will enable us to pause and sharpen our tools and be more effective. Margins at times require us to Say No to people and requests around - Remember, we are NOT indispensable and we are NOT God (we are not omnipresent).

Do you feel like you are burning out? Maybe it's time to re-look and draw your MARGINS.