Monday, March 31, 2008

Spiritually Overweight

Has it ever occured to many of us that we all have alot of head knowledge when it comes to the Christian faith. Within a span of one week, we sit through Pastor's teaching at church service, cell leader's teaching at cell meetings and our own quiet time revelations from God! Wow! With so many power packed teachings through the week, by right we should really be steady pom pi pi Christians walking right with the Lord right?

But why is it that many of us still fall easily into the trap of sin?

Why is it that when it comes down to the crunch time, we fail to live out what we have learnt throughout the week?

I would like to present to us all that many of us are Spiritually Overweight.

Physically, we need to regularly exercise to keep our body fit and also to build muscles so that we don't become scrawny or overweight. What happens when we are not fit? We fail our NAFPA test... We fall sick easily.... We become unhealthy!

Similarly in the spiritual realm, we MUST exercise our faith to keep ourselves fit in this spiritual walk and to gain spiritual muscles so that we do not fall easily into sin when tempted! One can be the best bible scholar, but yet if he doesn't learn to exercise and live out what he has learnt, he will just become spiritually overweight and unhealthy!

Laziness, lack of discipline, giving up easily, poor attitude (or bo-chup attitude)... these are some of the issues/excuses that causes us not to exercise regularly. Relate this back to our BASIC Quiet time with God.. Do we have such attitudes too?

Sons, let's really get serious in our faith with God. God really really really really really does want to bless us with many blessings in our lives. But if all we do in the faith is just to give half-past six attitude, then we are not going to see breakthroughs in our walk with God. I am not talking just about clocking cell group and church attendance, but really MAKING EFFORT to live our the Christian Faith every day and every moment of our lives!

May I implore everyone to really reflect on our walk with God and make every effort to change our attitude. Let's stop giving ourselves excuses anymore. Remember, we are either HOT or COLD.. being lukewarm is distasteful!


Saturday, March 29, 2008

Seasons change but God is still the Same!

Wow, our Tribe blog is getting abit out of control ya. Let's all be watchful of the post we post, as we are going public real real soon. We must be responsible bloggers because it's good example for others and Eejay is working in CRuSH! He's an ambassador for Cyber Wellness.

The title of this post seems a little PC (Politically Correct) right? However, how politically correct it seems to be, it is really true and it's a statement that I'm trying and constantly reminding myself to live out right now.

Looking back over the past months and even years, I really can see all the blessings the Lord have blessed me. From Slack Attachments, to providing for my FYP. Blessing me with good results and a smooth poly life. From changing a low self-esteem boy to who I am today. Indeed, God is a God who blesses.

Some days, It really seems that one can take on the whole world!!! But some days, Faith is all that you need. Faith to see you through for a better tomorrow.

Here are some of my prayer requests.
-My whole family are quite worried now, because my Grandma was admitted to the hospital last Tuesday morning. She was vomiting and feeling dizzy since the night/early morning before. When she was admitted to the hospital, the doctors confirmed that she had a mild heart attack. She was sent to the intensive care unit. Her conditions have stabilized over the last few days, and she was discharged at 1pm this afternoon.
However, after dinner, she felt dizzy and started to vomit again. So my family rushed her to the hospital again. So keep her in prayer, ask the Lord to bless her with health!

-Pray for Oswin too. He's having some problems at home with his family. Going to miss service again for a second week. Pray that the Lord with grant him favour at home. The Lord is in the business to turn the Hearts of the father back to the son, and the son back to the father.

Bros, just want to let you all know that, even in difficult and and unfavourable situations, The Lord who blesses you, is still right there near you looking upon you and it is our choice to take faith and cling on to His presence even though you can't seem to feel it.

It's the Year of Sabbath, who says the battles we will fight is going to be easier? The battles we will face may be tougher and harder, But God's presences and provisions will be Greater if you choose to lay hold of it.

Remember to pray hor!!!

Jasper bro!! :D wahaha


Friday, March 28, 2008

haha, its has been a long time since i blog here le..
God bless all of u.
really miss u guys!!
hope to have a meal with ur soon ya??
well, many happy things and sad things happened.
but the most confused thing is tt 3 gals like mi at the same time and i dun noe hu to choose..
1 from sec4 and 2 from sec2..
haiz, how??
thought of giving the sec4 gal a chance coz can study together then chong for O'.
but come to think, if before O' break how??
wun concentrate to studies de lah..
then both will be hurt..
can anyone give mi advice??


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

WAH, SLACK need to use brain 1

Dear guys,

For your information if i haven told you, i have just gotten a job at standard chartered tampines branch...Woa, the pay is quite good and the job is quite GOod cos it doesnt require me to think much to do the job, think a sec sch kid can replace me with lower pay.. I just need to exercise my eye and finger powers to do the data entry

Jasper, finally i got a job as xin lan as what u did for your attachment...haha...working conditions quite well, pantry has a big giant vending machine that provides free drinks at the press of just a button...

Dear all, pls bear in mind this job is not part of my training process..haha, i know u guys always like to disturb me by saying "woa, data entry can train your fingers to be more fit fit." Oh pls no, the job can gets very tiring when u look at the static com monitor screen for too long and your fingers can get numb... oh well, hope by the end of my stay at the job, my myopia wont up to more than 500 degree..haha, still wanna try for pilot vocation 1...



Tuesday, March 25, 2008

DilemmA WitH A GaL?? HelP!!!

Hi to all my BeloveD bros!!! Im nt lying....Tis is my 1st time blogging.....Pretty excited.....Hope tat nt onli ah pa will see tis, all my other bros will oso see tis n gimme advice n encouragements!!! Yah, juz in case u guys 4gt....2day,25 March, is my sister, Vivien's birthday. Okok....Hw shld i start leh...Remember its on e 22Dec 2007,tats e 1st time n 1st service at FCBC. My 2 sisters bring me back 2 E Great O MightY God!!! Amen!!! I remember i was sitting nxt 2 Sijia BUT R.E.L.A.X...She is nt e leading actress of e story....Wahahahahaha!!!!! Then suddenly e gal sitting in front of me drop her pen,i pick it up 4 her n pass it 2 her.When she turn back her face n smile n at me.....My reaction was OH MY God!!! She is e 1!!! Till nw i still can remember tat smile....Initially i onli think of her after every service but things r getting worst. I think of her everynite b4 i slp. She even appear in my dreams......Imagine e Unchained Melody plying as e background music, me n her at both ends of e beach running towards each other,i calling her name,she calling my name. After we hugged each other,nxt thing is im awaked, looking around my room. Bros!!!  Ah Pa!!! Gimme ur opinions!!!


Friday, March 21, 2008

The Cost of Following Jesus (Luke 9:57-62)

57As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, "I will follow you wherever you go."

58 Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head."

59 He said to another man, "Follow me." But the man replied, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father."

60 Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God."

61 Still another said, "I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say good-by to my family."

62 Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."


What is it that we want in our Christian Walk with the Lord?

The paradox of human ideology is this:

- We want God to bless us, yet we refuse to devote time to pray or commit to His ways.

- We complain and grumble that life is not fair and God doesn't care about us, yet we have never been fair to God nor cared about Him.

The truth of the matter is this. We want all of God's blessings but yet only wanting to give the bare minimal to Him without any disturbances or inconvenience to our lives and the things we like to do.

Whenever asked to served God and His community, we tend to be calculative and evaluate how much can we gain from it or whether it is economical and effective for us. We are always counting the cost and only give to God when we feel it will reap us immediate tangible returns.

We tend to give to God only out of our convenience. We simply want everything at our own comfort.

Ungrateful, stiff-necked, stubborn, selfish... these are just some words to describe how much we have fallen. May God reveal to us the true conditions of our hearts so that we will wake up from our slumber and passive attitude.

"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self? If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God." - Luke 9:23-27


Sanctification Weekend (Day 1) Reflections

Scripture Reading: Exodus 33 (Important to read it!)

Which do we want more in our daily living?

Successes in life or The Presence of God?

Many times we struggle, argue, pursue and stubbornly demand from God certain blessings and successes in our lives. When we don't get it, we even dare to blame God. In God's mercy, love and his everlasting covenant to bless His children, He WILL still give us these successes. However, just like what happened to the Israelites, His Presence will not go with us.

We can have the greatest success in every phase of our lives...

As a student, the best results....

In our career, earning the most money with the best job....

And even as a church leader, the largest ministry with many people following....

What do these amount to when even the Presence of God is not with us? NOTHING!

May God break our hearts in realizing and understanding that without His Presence, every successes will amount to nothing! It is coming to realize that without God, we are nothing.

True brokeness is coming back to understanding that what we need more in our lives is more of God and not just more of successes.


Are you sick and tired of living your Christian faith just like Sunday christian? Are you struggling through your Christian walk where it feels like momentary good times and perpetually downfalls?

Maybe it is really because we have not hungered and thirst for the Presence of God in our lives. We have allowed our lives to revolve around successes rather than God!

Realign our hearts today. If there are any false gods or idols in our lives, cast them away and set our hearts right to walk in intimacy with God.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Handling Failures in Life

Problems/stress/challenges in life just seems to be neverending. Just when you seem to have navigated around one, the next bigger one lurks somewhere around waiting to pounce on you. We all would wish that God could just snap his fingers and make all problems disappear and we could have a hinderance-free life... think again.

Life is never all about successes. In fact, the contradiction about life is that we grow and learn through tough times. Not that we crave for bad things to happen, but whenever it does hit us, if we learn to navigate through and rise up above it, we become stronger than before. If we can't, then we will forever be stuck there wallowing in defeat.

Let me share with you the 4 Keys to Victory over Failures:

1. Acknowledge your feelings. It is Ok to feel sad or unhappy whenever a crisis hit us. We are humans and there is a place where we need to acknowledge that feeling. Take note here. Feeling sad is different from eating worms or being depressed. Depression and worm-eating are outward manifested conditions of an unhealthy soul. So acknowledge the sadness. But don't just stop there....

2. Pause and reflect the lesson learnt. Pause and take a big picture snap shot at the whole situation that has happened. What are some areas that I can improve or better prepare on? It is like analyzing and taking stocks on how come you lost the battle. Now that's not all....

3. Decide to pick yourself up. Now this is the hardest part but yet the most critical. This is the tipping point of overcoming adversities, but yet once gone over, you life will br brighter than noonday. Friends and family can give you support and encouragement, but the key still lies from within us. As Christian, we can tap on the greater strength that has been give to us and that is GOD! Draw strength from His Word by claiming His promises and commands!

4. Make plans and move on. Stop standing there licking your sore wounds from the defeat. Having evaluated and risen up, it is time to move on. Strategize, plan and make preparations how you would tackle the next battle that comes along. It can be coming up with a 'realisitic' study schedule, or accountability steps with your leaders...etc Each battle comes with a different battle plan.

This is the promise of God for us:
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. - 2 Corinthians 4:7-9

Are we tapping our strength from it? Are we living out the word of God? Or do we just allow failures and challenges of life to sweep us away?


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Cell Retreat Photos !!!!!

hihihihihihii here are the cell retreat photos
Its jasper and the holy spirit =) oh wait or is it "FREN" !!!!!???
!!!!! O.O who is CHong chong messaging late at night!!!! ???!!! WHO IS SHE !!!! OUT WITH IT !!!!! oh chei.... hes setting his alarm....

"I AM SLEEPY AND GREASY GET OUTTA OF MY WAY UNLESS YOU WANNA SEE JESUS!!"......Thats my love language of saying Goodnight bro I love you =)

Have no Idea whats happening.... dun wanna know wahahha

a picture tells a thousand words.....


Andre fellowshiping with the fellow bros =)

see la see la TAU POK Wayne la !!!

by Jesus blood we have been set free =) not bobby's blood though hahaha

Looks Familiar ?? hmmmm
Dearest bros =) if your face is not up there, it does not mean you are insignificant or unworthy for the camera =D its just that our cell is not clicker happy so after the second day no more mood to take pictures =x .... Remember YOU are a Valuable Asset to the EJAO tribe =)
New Perfect Day by Fransy


Monday, March 17, 2008

The Power of a Made-Up Mind

I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. - Psalm 16:8

Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart. My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end. - Psalm 119:112-113

What is it we can do so in our Christian walk so that we will not fall into sin?

What can we do to ensure that we will not waver in our faith in God?

I really want to live my life as a true genuine Christian outside the yellow door of EXPO, but it is so difficult.. how can I do it?

I am sick and tired of falling in and out of my sins and struggle, is there anyway that I can ever overcome them?

I have tried every possible strategy and methodology... what else can I do?

I know what is the right thing to do, but somehow I just can't do it, why is it so?

These are just but some common exasperating question that boggle through our minds when we face struggles in our Christian walk.

Many time, we tend to jump in quickly and give prescriptive solutions to each one of these questions but not touching and working on the underlying root issue.

"The Power of a Made-Up Mind" is a VERY VERY important biblical and life principle that we all must learn. It is not just a preventive measure to ensure that we do not fall into sin, but rather it is an aggressive and offensive measure that we take up against the evil plans of satan.

When I came to know the Lord, I struggled for a year in being committed to God and His ways. I struggled to come for service and cell group many times too. I fall into similar patterns of sin over and over again till a point I feel so sick of myself that I don't think I should even come to church.

Then came a point when my leader shared with me about "The Power of a Made-Up Mind":

1. If you want to be a Christian, don't just be a half-hearted and ding-dong kind. Go for it 100% else don't even be one.

2. Once decided that Jesus is the Lord of my life, I live my life displaying that He IS the Lord of my life.

3. I will fight, resist and wage war against the devil by the power of God till the very day I meet Jesus.

4. (something which I added on my own) I will not whine or wallow in defeat in my walk with God because my God is a victorious God whom has granted me victory in all circumstances!

Sons, have you made up your mind to be serious about God? A man cannot waver between two masters... He has to fix his mind on one and be serious about it.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Burning Sensation

I guess, it is God is "forcing" rest upon me.

Perhaps i have been working too hard. Wahaha.

Saturday, 15th March 2008, 39.2 degrees Celsius,after taking a bath (with warm water, sorry i didn't want to freeze in cold water), 38.8 degrees Celsius, after reading Psalm 76 ,eating a slice of swiss roll ,drinking a cup of milk and playing my keyboard (piano), 38.1 degrees Celsius!

Sunday 16th March 2008, after waking up after a good night's sleep, 38.0 degrees Celsius.

As of 12:35 pm, 38.6 degrees Celsius! Oh no! Don't worry people, God is in control. :P
Do pray for me, as missing one day on Jurong Island would mean losing marks! :(

I'm pray that all of you will have a unique encounter with God today! :)


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Encounter camp

Hey bros and dad, Sorry this came late. Encounter camp was good and I really enjoyed myself there.
It's my first time going for the camp as a guide, it's fun but it's not easy, as I have lots of responsibilities and things to do, plus the fact that my back is still aching since donkey months ago.
Though out the camp, I have to remind and force myself to be always in a prayerful mode. Praying for the '4 jokers' I'm taking care of (joking la) and for the Holy Spirit to partner me when I minister.
Take back points:

One thing that I learn is that We all should just trust God and move. Take a Step of Faith. Many times I don't really know what to say, what to do, as I minister, But I just tell God, "I Don't know la! You know! So just move Lord!!" And i just pray and do whatever I sense the Lord told me, and God really moves.

Another take back point is that God uses people who are available for Him to use and not just the talented and experiences people. It's my first time as a guide, I'm one of the youngest guide around. Many a times, when the campers see my tag they will say "Give back to your guide leh." All the other guides seems more experience and initially I few very 'small' and insignificant. But God spoke to me through SMSes and promptings. Most of the smses i received will have the phrase 'God is with you' in it, and it led me to this scripture:

Judges 6:12 When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said "The LORD is with you, mighty warrior."

So I keep telling myself IMMA MIGHTY WARRIOR!!! ROAR!!!

So brothers, Let's always avail ourselves to the Lord, so that we will all move from the ordinary to the extra-ordinary. From the impossible to the possible!!! WE ARE MIGHTY WARRIORS!!! ROAR!!!!

Here are some pictures:
Jonathan: He's very very shy in the beginning, blur like sotong also. haha.. But managed to make him very open by using all sorts of underhand tactics. He came up to me wobbly during the Holy spirit session after i prayed for him, telling me that He cannot walked straight, Only to be slained by Pastor again while he's sitting on the chair. We've concluded, He's easily drunk. By the Holy Spirit of course.

Kong Wai - He's a very bright boy. Love to slouch during sessions especially on my leg and I have to always push him back to a 'sit up straight' position.

Look guys, it's Oswin. Always sms-ing (GRRRR)

It's very tough work you know..

(BTW, no picture of Tian Ci, He always siam the cam)


When everything seemingly goes wrong....

Finally, after 4 peaceful months of using my DELL laptop running on Windows Vista, the inevitable happened..... it CRASHED!!! All because of a simple Windows regular update that I installed, and after that my OS never resurrected!

What happened next was more frustrated. For the next 4 hours, I was calling and getting technical assistance over the phone from DELL. In between, I travelled from office to home, home to collect work stuff, then to Funan and then back to office.

At the end of the 4 frustrating hours, the conclusion was that I had to reinstall my Windows Vista OS. Which also means that I have to reinstall all my drivers and software applications, reconfigure my office email account...and many more things to do. Just as I am typing this blog, I am downloading and installing Adobe Reader.

Seemingly a very eventful and yet frustrating day. Everything that would possibly go wrong, really went wrong! I was caught in the rain while travelling around and the cab corporate charging system was malfunctioning... Grr.... It was seemingly a lousy day.

BUT... God just reminded me again of what is written in Psalms 73 today:

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. - Psalm 73:26

That really encouraged my heart alot. Everything around has the potential to falter and fail, but at the end of the day, God will never fail me. Whatever grivience or injustice I face, I can always come back to Him and take heart in Him.

Some things that I learn today:

1. When everything fails and you are upset, choose to praise God first and not grumble!
2. Reinstalling my OS also reminds us about our walk with God. We need to come back to Him for some housecleaning. Do away with all the nonsense applications!
3. Just like the small little update file that caused my laptop to crash, it is the same way with sin. Just a little bit and the effects are disastrous and long term. So from now on, I will not download any window updates anymore! Be ruthless with sin!


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Psalm 71 {ReMember GOd}

The psalm speaks of the wonderful and countless blessings the psamlist have received over his life from baby to wrinkly old man =) It just goes to show our lives are a living testimony of what GOd has done for us =)

Verse 5 to 8

...For you have been my hope, O soverign LORD my confidence since my youth.
From birth I have relied on you;
you brought me forth from my mother's womb.
I will ever praise you.
I have become a PORTENT to many,
but you are my strong refuge
my mouth is filled with your praise,
declaring your splendour all day long......

yes yes we are all still young and handsome and may not have experience the amount of blessings and deliverances the psalmist have gotten.....but there is no doubt that remembering God's lifetime of blessings will help us see the consistancy through out the years,

Day by day we r growing wrinklier and we need to trust him for our future <= P.C.A!!!! ahaha whoops easier said than done BUT THEN..... U seee arrrr God is like the wind =) no really must listen to this hahah this is how I get by each day knowing theres a living GOd =) ok let me continue =) Can you see the wind ?? cannot right..... but can you feel the wind ?? can right =) sooo by feeling the wind, you are actually seeing the effects of the wind =) for example.... you cant see the wind blowing, but you can see the leaves of the trees fluttering =) which means that theres a GOD!!!!! THERE's A 神 !!!! A very big 神!!!! Though God may not appear in white robes holding a mac book air walking around physically, the blessings and trials we face in life are just like the fluttering of the leaves. It tells us God is in Control =)

Verse 18

...Even when I am old and gray,
do not forsake me, O God
till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come.....

Even as grow wrinkly next time, we still need to grasp onto all the blessings and never despair but keep on expecting God's help in every circumstances. The hope in us helps us to keep going =) to keep rejoicing and serving him

Honestly speaking I dont mind getting pawned by a 12 year old at a DOTA seesion of TPE when I am 120 years old =) Because a Person is never too Old to serve God =)

New perfect Day by Fransy


Monday, March 10, 2008

EeJay-Alvin's 12 Retreat

Date: 14th - 16th March 2008
(FRIDAY night till Sunday morning)
Venue: Changi Rise Condominium, Blk 18, Unit 01-47

Check-in on: 14th March, 7:00pm. Please packed dinner along.
Check-out on: 16th March, 11:30am.

Programme outline:

1. RESTing in the Lord through sharing sessions by EeJay & Alvin
2. RESTing in the Lord through fellowship with brothers and maybe sisters (Julee cell will come in on Saturday afternoon)
3. RESTing through chill-out sessions organised by Jasper and Frans on Saturday
4. RESTing through fitness & exercise session with Leonard Koh through R.E.S.T (so please feel free to bring along your tennis rackets, swimming trunks and gym wears)

Let's all be excited and look forward to this restful retreat! (but not backsliding ah!)


1. Can someone bring a digi-cam? Realised we seldom take pictures as a cell!
2. May not have enough bed space, so do bring sleeping bags.
3. Of course, bring along writing materials, Bible.
4. No PSP or electronic games allowed!


Friday, March 7, 2008

EJAO Tribe News

Friday's Training for the Tribe at Bukit Merah block 162 was canceled this week. The reasons being that The manager and assistant Manager Chong Ee Jay and Alvin Ong will be down for their management retreat. This means that the Team will be missing them for the next 3 days.
The team will also be missing their charismatic attacking dynamo Jasper Chia for the Weekend as he will be sending the team's under 16 star Oswin pang for a special training session over at the salvation army. The loss of Chia would mean that the younger guns would have to take the lead in their Satuarday Clash at Planet Crush with some cyber gaming friends. The Experience of the Cell's Captain Frans Li would also be vital if they are to be able to control the crowd well on Sat.

Dispite the loss of certain players, the Team spirit over of Cell is still at a all time high, as Skipper Frans Li have rallied the rest of the squad for a dinner/ prayer/ bonding time. The aim is to fellowship and to pray that the special training session for Pang will be a good and fruitful one.

"Pre-encounter very spiritual one, so the more holy Joes there are, the less havoc demons can wreck." said the Skipper in a text message that he sent to the others.

-EJAO Tribe News


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Convenience Vs. Commitment

This is a life principle that I hold on to dearly and I thought in this Year Of Sabbath as we look into growing deeper in love with the Lord, this is one thing which I would want to share and encourage us to grow in too. :)

Examples of Convenience:

1. "Wah.. I stay in the west, and church is at east. So far away. Don't think I want to come to church already."
2. "Can you shift cell to Saturday morning instead? Because this Saturday afternoon I have a friend birthday party to attend to."
3. "Exams are coming. Think I will not be going church for a while. I promise I will come back after exams."
4. "I really treat you as a brother and want to help you. But it is a bit too early for me. Sorry can't help you this time."

Check our hearts honestly, are we 'guilty' at times of saying/thinking of such things?

This post is not in anyway to be judgemental and condemning. But Ahpa do want us to think along with me.....

Did Jesus die for us on the Cross out of convenience or COMMITMENT?

But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. - Phillipians 3:7-9

Can you imagine what would happen if the Christian faith is only purely out of convenience? Probably we won't be having church weekly and only as and when we feel like it. Probably as you journey through tough times, you won't have anyone to turn to because we are all rather busy and won't want to go the extra mile. Probably you won't even be where you are today!


Are you still struggling with God in this area? Still giving "seemingly valid" excuses which are out of the heart which wants our own convenience? In light of knowing about God's commitment to us, would we respond in commitment to Him too?

Commitment doesn't just mean must do more acitivies in church or cell, but really coming back to loving Jesus and spending time with Him. Time with God takes commitment too!

We all need heart transformation first before we can become transformation agencies in our families and marketplace.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Thanks Family!!

Hi everyone.. just wanna update you all regarding about Kingsley.. He has decided to come back to church already!! woohoo!! Praise God and also thanks for all your prayers and concern..

After sunday service, went over to his place to had a talk with him.. kingsley was very honest and straight forward with me.. despite all the problems we had all the past 1 year, a repeating cycle of not coming to church, why so many rules here and there and even giving all kinds of patterns staying uncontactable.. BUT!! i praise God for i had seen many changes in him. he's being open share, honest with his feelings with me and will take my words deep into his thoughts.. i really thank God for all the humps we hit during this father and son journey and i am excited for those that are to come for discipleship to impart Godly values into him..

Brothers, one of my concerns for the younger ones (kingsley, marcus and victor) is that i want to keep them within the community, let them know that this is the place where people does care and love them.. most importantly, spiritual family is a place for them to seek help and find shelter. one feedback from vic on sunday was that he felt that no one seems to care to talk to him when i am not around.. don't get me wrong.. i am not saying that you all don't care or love about the younger ones.. i saying this becoz we need to understand that the little ones can easily feel rejected, not love or even not being care of.. Afterall, we are the ones who are going to lead and guide the younger generations to mature in Christ. if we're not careful, we may just lose them in trust and miss one life where God has entrusted to us..

Mark 10:14
....."Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these...."

Let's continue to surround our lives in the G12 vision.. imparting life after life.. one after another.. i believe that we can bear fruits that LAST for God in this family.. brothers, i need your help.. let's show the younger ones and those that will come what God's family is all about.. Let's have the God's kingdom mentality in us! enlarge His mighty terrority!

Thanks bro for keeping kingsley in prayer! Love ya! God bless..

Alvin bro.. ;)


Blast From the PAST!!!!!

Wannna Know how Ah Pa looked before getting arrested by the Fashion Police???
Ta DAH!!!!
After Rehab =D sooo shuaiiii

Wanna know how your Spiritual cousins and braatherss looked when they were sweet sixteen?

The "No... I didnt do my quiet time what you gonna do about it" look

Aunty Killer Look

Having a bad day ??? let Henziii brighten up your day = D * I am Frosty the whisperer*
GENESIS!!!!! NG NG NG ANNNN GHEEEEE I cant believe his my braatherr

Hello Mr plant... Jasper wants to be your best friend.....heres a drink for you....

John 3:16 New Alvin Version(NAV) "For God so sent his son.... "

Ee Jay Walkers
Even I a "Kim Moh" Can be a G12 Leader!!! So Can YOU!!!!


Monday, March 3, 2008

Fighting from Victory

You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you.

Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation—but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it. For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live, because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. - Romans 8:9-15

In the year of Sabbath, it does not mean that we need not battle against sin anymore. It also doesn't mean that we will not have to struggle or contend against the challenging enticing values of this world. Neither does it mean that we can sit back, relax and expect God to fight every single battle for us. In fact, it does not mean that we put whatever we have learnt from Year of Victory aside and just "nuah" through the whole of this year.

However, just the opposite may be true! Some of us may find this year more challenging and tougher to go through. Seemingly, more challenges may arise in our families, schools or in our walk with God. That's when we must stand up and fight! Sabbath doesn't not mean we don't need to fight!

But from what position are we fighting from? Does a soldier fight a battle lying in his bed and wielding his sword? Or holding a beer bottle in his hand, getting drunk and trying to defeat the enemy? NO! Those positions of defeat. As Christians, we ALWAYS fight from the position of VICTORY!

Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God.

In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness. For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace. - Romans 6:8-13

Jesus died for us so that we may have life and victory in our walk on earth. Jesus did not die in vain, so why in the world are we walking around daily feeling so defeated, moaning and groaning that we struggle against sin and strongholds?

Sons, let's "drill" it into our minds that we have the victory in God! Yes, we will still struggle with temptation and the devil will throw all sorts of nonsense at us. But we are victors in Christ! We do not need to give in to sin or have to "beg" the devil to go away.

So the next time you face a particular challenge, struggle or uphill task... don't let the moan-groan game come in. Start by praying and declaring your positional truth in Christ! Declare that you will choose to stand firm in Christ and God has given you the victory over that particular struggle!

Now that's what I call - "Aggressive Assertation of HIS Control"