Monday, March 17, 2008

The Power of a Made-Up Mind

I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. - Psalm 16:8

Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart. My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end. - Psalm 119:112-113

What is it we can do so in our Christian walk so that we will not fall into sin?

What can we do to ensure that we will not waver in our faith in God?

I really want to live my life as a true genuine Christian outside the yellow door of EXPO, but it is so difficult.. how can I do it?

I am sick and tired of falling in and out of my sins and struggle, is there anyway that I can ever overcome them?

I have tried every possible strategy and methodology... what else can I do?

I know what is the right thing to do, but somehow I just can't do it, why is it so?

These are just but some common exasperating question that boggle through our minds when we face struggles in our Christian walk.

Many time, we tend to jump in quickly and give prescriptive solutions to each one of these questions but not touching and working on the underlying root issue.

"The Power of a Made-Up Mind" is a VERY VERY important biblical and life principle that we all must learn. It is not just a preventive measure to ensure that we do not fall into sin, but rather it is an aggressive and offensive measure that we take up against the evil plans of satan.

When I came to know the Lord, I struggled for a year in being committed to God and His ways. I struggled to come for service and cell group many times too. I fall into similar patterns of sin over and over again till a point I feel so sick of myself that I don't think I should even come to church.

Then came a point when my leader shared with me about "The Power of a Made-Up Mind":

1. If you want to be a Christian, don't just be a half-hearted and ding-dong kind. Go for it 100% else don't even be one.

2. Once decided that Jesus is the Lord of my life, I live my life displaying that He IS the Lord of my life.

3. I will fight, resist and wage war against the devil by the power of God till the very day I meet Jesus.

4. (something which I added on my own) I will not whine or wallow in defeat in my walk with God because my God is a victorious God whom has granted me victory in all circumstances!

Sons, have you made up your mind to be serious about God? A man cannot waver between two masters... He has to fix his mind on one and be serious about it.


Anonymous said...

it really is true!as long as God is the source of strength behind this made-up mind, you can overcome any strongholds! :D