Friday, March 21, 2008

Sanctification Weekend (Day 1) Reflections

Scripture Reading: Exodus 33 (Important to read it!)

Which do we want more in our daily living?

Successes in life or The Presence of God?

Many times we struggle, argue, pursue and stubbornly demand from God certain blessings and successes in our lives. When we don't get it, we even dare to blame God. In God's mercy, love and his everlasting covenant to bless His children, He WILL still give us these successes. However, just like what happened to the Israelites, His Presence will not go with us.

We can have the greatest success in every phase of our lives...

As a student, the best results....

In our career, earning the most money with the best job....

And even as a church leader, the largest ministry with many people following....

What do these amount to when even the Presence of God is not with us? NOTHING!

May God break our hearts in realizing and understanding that without His Presence, every successes will amount to nothing! It is coming to realize that without God, we are nothing.

True brokeness is coming back to understanding that what we need more in our lives is more of God and not just more of successes.


Are you sick and tired of living your Christian faith just like Sunday christian? Are you struggling through your Christian walk where it feels like momentary good times and perpetually downfalls?

Maybe it is really because we have not hungered and thirst for the Presence of God in our lives. We have allowed our lives to revolve around successes rather than God!

Realign our hearts today. If there are any false gods or idols in our lives, cast them away and set our hearts right to walk in intimacy with God.