Monday, March 31, 2008

Spiritually Overweight

Has it ever occured to many of us that we all have alot of head knowledge when it comes to the Christian faith. Within a span of one week, we sit through Pastor's teaching at church service, cell leader's teaching at cell meetings and our own quiet time revelations from God! Wow! With so many power packed teachings through the week, by right we should really be steady pom pi pi Christians walking right with the Lord right?

But why is it that many of us still fall easily into the trap of sin?

Why is it that when it comes down to the crunch time, we fail to live out what we have learnt throughout the week?

I would like to present to us all that many of us are Spiritually Overweight.

Physically, we need to regularly exercise to keep our body fit and also to build muscles so that we don't become scrawny or overweight. What happens when we are not fit? We fail our NAFPA test... We fall sick easily.... We become unhealthy!

Similarly in the spiritual realm, we MUST exercise our faith to keep ourselves fit in this spiritual walk and to gain spiritual muscles so that we do not fall easily into sin when tempted! One can be the best bible scholar, but yet if he doesn't learn to exercise and live out what he has learnt, he will just become spiritually overweight and unhealthy!

Laziness, lack of discipline, giving up easily, poor attitude (or bo-chup attitude)... these are some of the issues/excuses that causes us not to exercise regularly. Relate this back to our BASIC Quiet time with God.. Do we have such attitudes too?

Sons, let's really get serious in our faith with God. God really really really really really does want to bless us with many blessings in our lives. But if all we do in the faith is just to give half-past six attitude, then we are not going to see breakthroughs in our walk with God. I am not talking just about clocking cell group and church attendance, but really MAKING EFFORT to live our the Christian Faith every day and every moment of our lives!

May I implore everyone to really reflect on our walk with God and make every effort to change our attitude. Let's stop giving ourselves excuses anymore. Remember, we are either HOT or COLD.. being lukewarm is distasteful!