Sunday, February 10, 2008

How to 做人?- Use Your Brain

Found this interesting scripture from Ecclesiastes....

Remember: The duller the ax the harder the work; Use your head: The more brains, the less muscle. - Ecclesiastes 10:10 (MSG)

Wisdom does not mean just gaining all the knowledge in the world nor does it mean doing many many things. Rather, wisdom means using our brains to think and doing the right thing. And in this year of Sabbath, it is also about thinking on doing things right.

Alot of times, we do not learn to think and get ourselves in all sorts of mess and trouble.

How many times have we been rash and reacted according to the spur of the moment without thinking... only to regret our actions.

Often, we live life with many regrets and sigh to ourselves saying "If only I had...." The truth is "If only we had learn to think."

Sons, I hope you realise by now that we are not just in the business of building a huge tribe or squeezing large amount of theology knowledge into your brains. My number one concern is building Godly characters into everyone of you. Beyond great abilities and talents, Ahpa is most concerned and interested in imparting and building in everyone of you a great Godly attitude and resilient nature that NEVER bows down to the circumstances of life, but always hope in God

How to 做人?Learn to THINK.