Tuesday, May 27, 2008

[Spiritual Disciplines] Fasting & Frugality

If we want to transformation in our lives, then we must make every effort in application to what we have learnt!

This past week during cell group we shared about Fasting & Frugality.

Here are some applications. Let's share on how we are applying what we learnt!

1. Fasting: What are we fasting on in this one week?

2. Frugality: Go through your daily schedule and make a note of what percentage of your thoughts are spent dwelling on indifferent things. Commit yourself to refrain from spending inappropriate amounts of time thinking about things that really do not matter. Ask God to help you bring your thoughts under His guidance. Ask God to help you "take every thought captive for Christ."

3. What have you done to the green beans given to you?

Click HERE to share your applications!