Friday, May 9, 2008

Memorising Time!!!

Dear Brothers and Ah pa..

I've just listen to the adult service of last week's message by pastor Khong, and boy, Pastor is really serious about wanting us to memorise God's word.


Points to ponder

Hey bros, have we been treating Pastor's word and God's Words like 'ER BIAN FENG'? (wind beside the ears)

If we really respect Pastor, then let's do what pastor says during sermon and memories God's word!!!

Psalm 119:105 (King James Version)
105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
I remember last Sunday, during the last song before service came to an end, I prayed and ask the Lord to reveal to me what does this verse mean. To really give me an understanding about this verse. The Lord did not reveal the answer to me that day, but He prompt me that as i continue to meditate and seek Him for an answer, He'll slowly reveal it to me.
God's word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. If there is no light or no lamp around, the path before us and where our feet would land when we step forward, will be darkness. Brothers, are we still walking in darkness? Are we looking for a breakthrough, praying for a breakthrough in our walk but it is still not here? The only time we can really walk in freedom and not in darkness is when the Word of God is in the centre of our life. When the Word of God is always in our Hearts!!
Quote Pastor Khong: 'What is the point of coming to service everyweek to hear a good message unless we desperately come and ask the Lord to HELP us understand and OBEY His word!!
Dear family, Let's put God's Word in the centre of our hearts! Let's memorise His word and I pray that the Lord will grant us a new passion and excitement to read His Word.
Let's be strong towers for the Lord, standing strong against the storms of life. Let's not be like a deck of cards and get scattered when the winds come.
Kitkat Bro


Chong said...

Amen Amen! only through application of God's word then there will be transformation in life.. Let God's words be hidden in us so that we can be able to remain pure and unshakable!

Burn Burn Burn! Holy Fire Burn in us! =)