Friday, October 2, 2009

Daily Devotion: John 19

Jesus Sentenced to be Crucified

16Finally Pilate handed him over to them to be crucified.

If you have been following through the scripture from John 18-19, you probably would be quite upset with Pontius Pilate - the guy who eventually caved in to social pressure, washed his hands off the case and handed Jesus back over to the Jews for crucification.

"Gosh! If Pilate had stood his ground and not given in to the Jews demands, then Jesus would have been saved!"

"Why was Pilate such a wimp? He's the governor, so why is he so afraid of the people?"

The truth is nothing could have changed God's plan that Jesus had to die for our sins.

However, if we look at how Pilate reacted to the situations then, it would be a classic example that he didn't hold firm and fought to the end for Jesus. He did try at some point.... but didn't dare to incur the wrath of the people and wilted under social pressure.


1. Do we compromise our Christian faith in way when under social pressure?

2. Sometimes it's hard to stand firm by oneself. Identify fellow Christian in your marketplace and gather together to pray and encourage each other in holding firm ground as a Christian and not compromise on our faith in God.