Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I also face trials & temptations everyday....

Galatians 5:1

1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.


Let me first of all debunk the myth that cell leaders/pastors/church leaders are super humans who do not face trials and temptations. In fact, we are just like any normal person and we are challenged and tempted as much... so honestly there is no difference.

Example of things which I face daily in the past and present:

1. During NUS days, temptation to copy my lab reports or programming codes because I was lazy to do.
2. During Army days, temptation to "chao keng" through skiving for "Attend B" so I can excused from morning PTs, lie about my leaves and off-in-lieu to my officers, lie about my medical appointment (half day, but I say it is full day)...etc
3. Everyday I have to remind myself to speak words of faith and words that edify and not hurt people. Trust me.. it is so so easily to speak prickly words of condemnation out of coarse joking.
4. Lust of the eyes (the trouble for every guy out there) is major problem too with sexuality explicit advertisements everywhere.
5. My attitude when I am at home.. How do I talk to my parents?

Phew! Honestly, it may sound like living everyday is a big challenge. But what makes it easier for me is that everyday I under girth myself with the Word of God before leaving the house. Which means that whatever "attacks" I face outside, my first defense is the Word of God!

I know I can stand firm and be set free because of what Jesus did on the Cross! And with that knowledge and conviction in my mind and heart, I live my life around that. Period.

Want to be set free? The easiest way is to take the Word of God seriously at face value. =D

PS: Bless ya all with the lyrics of this song "Set Me Free" which I love. =D


"Set Me Free" lyrics by Paradise Church

It's only by Your blood I am saved
Your power washed away the stains that blemished me
How can I even start to repay
The price You paid at Calvary
You paid for me

How can I deserve this love
What can I do that's enough

If I could shout one thing to the world
It would be to know You
If I could give my life to a cause
It would be for You
If I had just one reason to testify
It would be about the way
You set me free
You set me free