Monday, March 2, 2009

Sunny Day Or Rainy Days Christians

Rainy Days?
Sunny Days?


Rainy Day or Sunny Day christians? Give it a little thought. Are we Sunny day christians? Shining bright and praising God only in Good times or Are we Rainy Day christians? Resilient and Determined giving praise and shining for God in times of test.

I personally would want to be a Rainy Day Christian. It's easy to be a Sunny Day Christian. Praising God and shining outwardly during good times. But life isn't always a bed of roses.
John 16:33
"I have told you these things, so that in me you have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

We a lord that is a overcomer of these troubled times ! Yes overcomer, this means that troubles will still come but we have a Lord in which we can depend to overcome it!

But this doesn't mean that when thunderstorm comes, we will be supernaturally sheltered from it. Our faith in the Lord is just like an umbrella in times like these, if we have a weak faith in the Lord, we will be like holding a very small umbrella, though sheltered from the rain, we will be eventually drenched from the heavy downpour in the long run.
But if our faith and believe in the Lord is strong, we would be carrying a huge umbrella being better sheltered from all the coming downpour.
Hebrews 4:12
"For the word of the Lord is living and active. Sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

Thus we should meditate and heep the word of the Lord close to our hearts so that our hearts and attitides will be aligned to that of christ, so that we can take challenges face with the wisdom of the Lord.

Brothers, we are living in times where rainy days are predominant over the sunny days thus let's us be determined in believing God words and doing things God's way!!!



Chong said...

Thanks for sharing your insight bobby!! surely God did a something great within u..

I believe that our umbrella will grow big not by understanding in mind but by the constant walking a different life and trusting Him with all our hearts!

Jiayou! Proud of you! =D

Anonymous said...

Amen! tku so much for this wonderful sharing Bobby!

Let us all rise up and be resilient in our faith! =D

Anonymous said...

Wah...I really like the umbrella sharing! Profound yet simple... :)