Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Is love blind? Or are you blind?

Hey....... VaZe here again...

Today is nth long... I always blog so much chim stuffs that KO ppl before they even read to the mid portion....

Today, what makes me post is the area of BGR...

Well... As i venture thru life, i see a lot of my friends getting girlfriends, yet i oso see a lot of breakups... A kaypo like me sometimes go and ask my friends like why u break up and the common answer i get is that no feelings for the girl/guy anymore... Then when they hop into another relationship, i asked them wat do they see in the girl/guy and they say the vice versa statement: got feelings lor...

In short, the idea of modern day BGR revolves around this one thing called feelings, of which the world calls it love... Hey!!! If feelings = love, the dictionary oso no need to come up with so many words to quantify love, such as infatuation, affection, sizzling... Clearly that there are different stages of mutual attraction, the last being pure solid love of course...

The rather scary thing today is that when i talk to many ppl out there, other than the feelings reason they give me, they could not give me anymore answers... They do not even know wat they are going for, wat they are "feeling" for, and they call this love. Thats why the world says that love is blind... DUDE!!! There's a difference between love is blind and YOU ARE BLIND!! My comrades, love is not blind but people are blinded by infatuation. Infatuation = crush = mostly physical attraction, where the guy finds the girl cute or vice versa... When couples come together due to crush/infatuations, they confirm break very fast because they'll find people out there who are much better physically endowed or "cuter"

Infatuations are perfectly normal, it goes to show that as guys and girls we're properly wired up... But it can be suppressed by mental strength and will fade away as time passes... I admit that I have several crushes/infatuations back in those days until now, but it can be suppressed using mental strength and discipline... If u get together with the girl/guy because of his/her looks, then its nt love anymore, but its LUST...

Bottomline, I feel that most young people today are not ready for love... Because:
1. They do not know wat qualities in the girl or guy they are going for...
2. They are not ready to be commited to each other, to sacrifice for each other
3. They are unable to even take care of themselves, not financially independent, emotionally strong to withstand the knocks of life
(Imagine you spend most of the time hearing the girl lamenting to you abt her seemingly small problems day in and out, you'll confrm feel sian lor)

I'll end with the definition of love - 1 Corinthians 13. Love involves sacrifice and will put couples thru the test of faithfulness and commitment... Its not about feelings


Chong said...

Yup bro. i believe it's about timing and maturity..

Thanks for sharing..

Anonymous said...

Wah, i should ask my friend to visit our blog for this post man.. should make it an all time Classic post on BGR!!!